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When does Corona ends? very happy news

When does Corona ends? very happy news


As the Corona virus spread more and more, the name of the French doctor, Didier Raoul, has emerged widely around the world, as he was the first to call for the treatment of Corona patients with anti-malarial chloroquine. He also said a few days ago that the epidemic might disappear during the spring or after a few weeks.

In new statements that inspire optimism and hope, the director of the University Hospital of Marseille Infectious Diseases pointed out in a video posted on his Twitter account on Tuesday: "We now have in Marseille a continuous decrease in the number of diagnosed cases, but also in the number of cases that are entered into the recovery, As for the number of deaths, it cannot be determined now, because people often die more than a month after their injury.


He also explained: "We have almost the same data in the region, we have the same data in France, and in the countries of Europe and North America, so we are on a down wave."

To that he added: "I do not expect the future, but if things continue this way, it seems that this disease is seasonal."

He continued: "It is possible that within a month there will be no other cases at all in a number of countries."

On the other hand, an American expert warned of a second worse corona wave. Robert Redfield, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said that there is expected to be a second wave of the virus in the United States during the coming winter, and it may be much stronger than the first wave, because it will likely start with the start of the flu season.

"There is a possibility that the virus attack on our nation in the coming winter will be more difficult than what we went through," Redfield said in an interview with The Washington Post.

The number of people infected with the epidemic in the world exceeded 2.5 million people, more than 80% of them in Europe and the United States, according to a statistic of France Press on Tuesday.

Two million and 503 thousand and 429 infections were counted, among them 172 thousand and 551 deaths, especially in Europe, the most affected continent with one million and 230 thousand and 522 injuries, 108 thousand and 797 deaths, while the United States recorded where the frequency of the virus continues to be the fastest, 788 thousand and 920 infections, Including 42 thousand and 458 deaths.

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